Commercial Property Solution Provider

Dear Owners !  
Welcome to share your listing to sell with us.

Kindly help to fill in the basic info such as property address, size, unit position ( Intermediate, corner or endlot ) , and your asking selling price.
Our team will contact you for more details and next steps.  Thank you !  : )
We are Fixed Assets Solution Provider since 2013. From Consulting to Solution & Management.  

A ) Best in :
- Acquisition and Disposable of Assets ; and
- Leasing Managed Services

On top of the Whole Support Chain Services of Commercial Property.

B ) Solutions : We help Customers in Fixed Assets Solutions by : 
1.  Find and Match their Market Positioning with the right Target Locations.  
2.  We collaborate with our customers as strategic partners, to plan forward for their Branches / Stores Time-To-Market and Time-To-Scale.  

We currently Serve Location span across Iskandar Malaysia Zone A, B, E from SME to MNC.

Zone A : JB City Centre
Zone B : Iskandar Puteri
Zone E : Senai-Skudai

Industries that we serve :
  • Franchise and Convenience Chain Stores;  Grocers and Supermarkets ; 
  • HealthCare and related industries Pharmaceutical and Medical Centre ;
  • Food & Beverages ;
  • Financial Institutions ;
  • Oil & Gas including Petrol Stations;
  • Telecommunication;
  • Creative and Education ; 
  • Information Technology including AI, Automation, Robotics; Infrastructures ; 
  • Manufacturing in all sectors;
  • Transportation : Logistics & Warehousing; 

自2013 年以来,我们一直是固定资产解决方案提供商。从咨询到解决方案和管理。

A) 精通:
- 资产的收购和处置;和
- 租赁管理服务

B )我们是品牌店解决方案服务商 :专注于协助客户配对他们的市场定位、策略和门店的地点。
我们帮助客户快上市*, 快扩充。
( *快上市 : 快布局,快找店,找厂开业占领时机,领先对手。)

目前服务地点横跨马来西亚依斯干达区 A、B、E,从 SME 到 MNC。

Zone A : JB City Centre
Zone B : Iskandar Puteri
Zone E : Senai-Skudai

金融机构 ;

Tel / Whatsapp Us : 010-2668496

  • Suite #8, Lot PTD12351, Taman Tan Sri Yacoob, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

General Enquiry , please email : talent / job / hr enquiries, please email : For Marketing activities & supporting partners, please email : For Supporting Contractors and Vendors, please email :

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